Table of Contents

Metrics - Historical


Supports vaccinations administered in the past that are no longer available.


Past vaccinations are essential for understanding immunity and potential health risks.

Possible measure

NB: Would it be possible to create a list of historical vaccinations that we know should be representable? This would be a stable but growing list. We could make a demonstration record with all these vaccinations on them and then verify how many of them can be recorded with the code system. The measure would be a simple percentage. The goal would be that we include all vaccinations that are important for establishing immunity to a core set of diseases. We don't have to get all vaccinations that ever existed, but we can cover at least 80% of the important ones. Then we have a stable metric.
FK - Could be established with a request at such as this one:
PREFIX rdfs: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX nuva: <> 
PREFIX nuvs: <>
SELECT ?vac ?lvac FROM <> WHERE { 
 ?vac rdfs:subClassOf nuva:Vaccine .
 ?vac rdfs:label ?lvac
    ?vac skos:exactMatch ?code .
    ?code rdfs:subClassof ?cs 
    FILTER (?cs not in (nuva:ATC, nuva:SNOMED-CT))
  FILTER (lang(?lvac)='en'||lang(?lvac)='')