====== Code nuva ====== Created by François KAAG on 2023/09/03 13:22 Complete: 100 Precise: 100 License [enum::License]: 100 Maintained [enum::Maintenance]: 20 ===== Diagram===== [[]] complete: ?complete [[]] precise: ?precise [[]] license: ?license [[]] maintained: ?maintained ===== Overview ===== * {{221025-loinc-nuva_presentation_v2.pdf | General presentation (LOINC 2022)}} * [[https://nuva.mesvaccins.net|Browsing tool]] * [[https://nuva.mesvaccins.net/mapping|Codes mapping tool]] * [[https://mentor.mesvaccins.net/en-gb|Mentor decision support system]] * [[https://smt.esante.gouv.fr/sparql/|SPARQL Query engine]] (use [[NUVA SPARQL queries]]) * {{nuva_management_policy.pdf |Management policy}} * [[nuva-utils|Python utilities]] ===== Complete ===== NUVA is the reference for completeness. ===== Precise ===== NUVA is the reference for precision ===== Open-licensed ===== NUVA is proposed under the [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/fr/deed.en|CC-BY-ND license]]. ===== Maintained =====